Bundeszentralamt für Steuern

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The BZSt Online Portal (BOP) enables you to send data to the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) electronically.

Signing up for the RS technical area

In order to send RSs to the BZSt via BOP, it is necessary to sign up in the RS technical area.

If you do not have a user account in BOP yet you will receive the necessary BZSt number and BZSt secret code when you sign up. These enable you to create the user account.

Please fill out and sign the registration form and send it to the BZSt. You will then receive the necessary access data by mail and by e-mail, or the confirmation of activation for the RS technical process if a BOP user account already exists (available in German language only).

Creating a BOP user account

Once you have received the BZSt number and the BZSt secret code you can create a user account.

The link below will take you to the BOP registration page. Please follow the further instructions there (available in German language only).

Further information on the registration process can be found in the leaflet below (available in German language only):

If using BOP by way of a certificate, you will receive an e-mail before the certificate expires. The certificate must then be renewed. If this has not been done and it is no longer possible to log in, you can register again using the known BZSt number and the BZSt secret code provided.

Data supplier (ELMA5)

For data suppliers, i.e. data processing companies, tax consultants, or companies themselves that have to send large quantities of data, the mass reporting process ELMA5 is available in BOP.

Using the ELMA5 mass data interface, RSs with more than 1,500 reporting items or several RSs in one data delivery can be sent to the BZSt electronically by the data supplier.


ELMA5 is available only in BOP. Furthermore, additional activation by the BZSt is required.

You can call up the application form with the following link. You will then be sent the RS registration ID (available in German language only).

Detailed information on ELMA5 can be found in the user instructions (available in German language only):

If using BOP by way of a certificate, it must be ensured that the certificate is renewed in good time. If this has not been done, renewed activation is required for the use of ELMA5.

Data record description

Further information on the data record can be found here (available in German language only):


Bundeszentralamt für Steuern (Federal Central Tax Office)

Dienstsitz Saarlouis
66738 Saarlouis


Zusammenfassende Meldung