Bundeszentralamt für Steuern

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Insurance tax

Electronic Submission of Self-Assessed Tax Returns for Insurance Tax and Fire Protection Tax

On this page, you will find information about registering on the BZSt Online Portal (BOP) and filing returns. Self-assessed insurance tax and fire protection tax returns are submitted by authenticated users electronically via BOP.

Electronic Data Submission

By submitting your self-assessed insurance and fire protection tax returns electronically via the BZSt Online Portal (BOP), you save yourself the time and effort otherwise required to go to the post office, and you are sent confirmation of receipt. Access to this portal is authenticated.

Conditions for Access and Use

To submit your self-assessed insurance and fire protection tax returns electronically, you must first register.

What to Do If You Have Not Registered Yet and Do Not Have a Certificate for the BOP or the EOP

To receive a BOP certificate, you need a BZSt number and a secret BZSt code (access code).

That requires you to first submit a request for authorization to use the process.

Please send your request to the BZSt by mail. Individuals required to perform self-assessments and pay the taxes are eligible to submit a request in accordance with Section 8, para. 1, of the Versicherungsteuergesetz (VersStG – German Insurance Tax Act) and Section 8, para. 1, of the Feuerschutzsteuergesetz (FeuerschStG – German Fire Protection Tax Act). Those individuals are required to sign the request personally.

Afterwards, you will receive your login information (certificate and PIN).

Please refer to the leaflet on first-time registration on the BOP for additional information, or visit https://www.elster.de/bportal.

If you have problems registering on the BOP, please contact the Tax Information Center of the Federal Central Tax Office:




0228 406-1200

If you are already registered and have a BOP or EOP certificate:

Then you can use the information (certificate and PIN) provided to you to log on to the BOP. There, you will also be able to submit your insurance and fire protection tax self-assessments electronically.


Federal Central Tax Office

Referat St II 1
An der Küppe 1
53225 Bonn

Telefon: +49 228 406-0
Fax: +49 228 406-18-3100



Versicherung- und Feuerschutzsteuer